- How many months is 23 weeks?
Each month has at least 4 weeks, with some months having an extra day or two.
It's given to find how many months see there in 24 weeks. For this, we need to divide the given number of weeks (23) by the number of weeks in 1 month (4).
We can see that 23 weeks is <u>5.75 months which is approximately 6 months. </u>
If you want a more standard value then we can calculate weeks in 1 months as 4.345. Then, we must divide 23 weeks by 4.345.
Now, we'll get the answer as <u>5.293 months</u>.
You can write the answer in either form. Your answer can be rounded of to 6 months in the 1st explanation or it can be written as 5 months if you followed the 2nd explanation. The given weeks is 23, an odd number..so it's hard to decide the correct number of months.
The answer is D, the viruses use the body's cells to make new viruses
For example, see the lysogenic and lytic cycle. The lytic cycle involves the virus taking over metabolic processes of the cell in order to reproduce. Probably skip the lysogenic cycle since it does not kill the cell.
A) aerobic, which uses oxidative phosphorylation for ATP
The human nose has roughly 400 types of scent receptors that can detect at least 1 trillion different odours. The human nose can distinguish at least 1 trillion different odours, a resolution orders of magnitude beyond the previous estimate of just 10,000 scents
hope this helps