1. Archaeplastida.
2. Excavata.
3. Amoebozaons.
4. Stramenopiles.
5. Rhizarians.
6. Alveolates.
Protists can be defined as any group of eukaryotic organisms that belongs to the kingdom protista and are not plant, animal or fungus.
These are the six (6) groups of protists;
A. <u>Archaeplastida</u>: have a cell wall and both an outer and an inner membrane. There are no membraneous organelles in this group.
B. <u>Excavata</u>: have a feeding groove on one side and are usually single-celled. Members include organisms with heterotrophic, photosynthetic, parasitic, or symbiotic lifestyles.
C. <u>Amoebozaons</u>: use pseudopodia to move and may be either single-celled or multicellular. Members within this group exhibit free-living and parasitic lifestyles.
D. <u>Stramenopiles</u>: have a tinsel flagellum and are photosynthetic.
E. <u>Rhizarians</u>: have elaborate tests composed of calcium carbonate, silicon, or strontium salts. Members have thin pseudopodia that project from the test.
F. <u>Alveolates</u>: have membrane-enclosed sacs beneath the plasma membrane. There are photosynthetic and heterotrophic members in this group.