A: Today, it's best known as the Black Death or the bubonic plague. Medieval people called it "the blue sickness," La pest ("the Pestilence"), and "the Great Mortality." The name bubonic comes from the medieval Latin word bubo via Italian bilbo--meaning a pustule, growth, or swelling.
The term “nationalism” is generally used to describe two phenomena: (1) the attitude that the members of a nation have when they care about their national identity, and (2) the actions that the members of a nation take when seeking to achieve (or sustain) self-determination.
Camembert and Roquefort cheese are flavorful mostly because of "mold," since this is the category that contains "fungi," which is the category that contains "Talaromyces," which is what gives the flavor.
The title of "Emperor of the French" was supposed to demonstrate that Napoleon's coronation was not a restoration of monarchy, but an introduction of a new political system: the French Empire. ... His reign continued until 4 September 1870, after he was captured at the Battle of Sedan during the Franco-Prussian War.