with space: =A2&" "&B2
without space: =CONCATENATE(A2,B2)
When using Microsoft Excel the function that you would want to use would be the following
=A2&" "&B2
In this function, you will be combining the text in cell A2 and B2 with a space in the middle, you can change to the cells that you want and simply add &" "& in between them to combine them with a space.
If you simply want to combine the words with no space in between them you can use the concantenate function which combines words in two cells into one but without space.
D) Relationship marketing
Relationship marketing is a strategy companies use to connect with their customers, build relationships and ensure loyalty. It involves engaging customers over a lengthy period to know their needs and then providing them with products or services tailored to satisfy those needs.
By initiating a project to build a website and encouraging customers to provide certain information to the company, Fiona plans to use the Internet for "relationship marketing".
You could be a coach of some sort or you could try to be a profesinal athlete or you could be a triner
Normed testing method
Norming refers to the way toward developing a standard test to analyse the performance of candidates, and such an analysis is essential to examine the mental and psychology of individuals. The normed test is a way to evaluate students by comparing with candidates who have already passed those tests. The normed testing method will evaluate candidates a lot better than other testing techniques, as it monitors every candidate.
The Atlantic ocean was crosses during The Middle Passage. :3