The following are the reasons why the Tuli breed would be
superior to exotic breeds:
Tuli breed was augmented in Zimbabwe.<span>
<span>Tuli has a range of colors and has a short coat.
Cross-breeding is suitable for the Tuli breed.</span>
Surviving in harsh climatic conditions are Tuli’s assets.</span>
yield is very high.
the arid climate is their forte.</span>
If there are no plants in the tank, they will run out of oxygen because there is nothing producing oxygen.
What are your options, if you have any?
I know they both need each other in order to function, but I dont know if thats the answer needed, or if its more complicated than that..
hope I could help atleast a bit!
Housing development and shopping mall
housing development and shopping mall may cause wildlife habitats destroyed. also the land being destroyed is not unenvironmetally friendly
A I’m pretty sure because it base doesn’t even relate really, and weak acid doesn’t make sense