In a cornfield, only one plant species has dominated the area, that is the corn plant. While in a natural meadow, multiple species of plants occurs of different species. The presence of the different types of plants in the meadow will interact more number of insects in it as compared to the corn field. This will lead to more interactions among the different species in a natural meadow. The greater biodiversity of the natural meadow than the cornfield will support it better.
In case of any natural disaster, or a pest attack, all the plants will be killed in a corn field and so will the insects dependent on them, but in a natural meadow, if one plant species is killed by a natural disaster, other will still be alive. Hence, the ability to survive is greater in natural meadow.
Sorry me nobody else knew either lollll
When a person has linked a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus so that now the neutral stimulus triggers the conditioned response, <u>acquisition</u> has occurred.
A trigger that in the beginning causes no specific answer other than attention concentration is understood as "a neutral stimulus". In operant conditioning the neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus when used in combined way with an unconditioned stimulus.
Now let us say, for instance, you need to take your child to the pediatrician for a shot. The pediatrist hits a buzzer before the shot to call her nurse to come in and help her conduct the vaccine. Here the buzzer's noise is the neutral stimulus, as it generates no reaction from the infant, but the child knows that.
These primates have retained some primitive mammalian anatomical and behavioral traits, such as a strong sense of smell with an associated longer snout, eyes that are positioned more to the sides of the head, a smaller brain, a distinct breeding season and litters of offspring, nocturnal activity and the ability to synthesis vitamin C.