Researchers reported that people with high blood pressure were less reactive when shown photographs and text passages meant to trigger emotions including fear, anger and happiness. This weakened response could be called "emotional dampening," said James McCubbin, a psychology professor at Clemson University in South Carolina, who led the study.
A. It stores energy until a Call needs it.
Possibly a Great White or a DaggerNose
The most important human glucocorticoid is the cortisol. It is also called hydrocortisone or stress hormone. It is produced in the zona fasciculata layer of the adrenal cortex of the adrenal glands. It controls blood sugar level between meals. It helps in maintaining blood pressure by controlling salt and water balance. It also control a response to stress by making more glucose from proteins and fats.
The answer is FALSE.
Schizophrenia is a personality disorder that affects a person's ability to think, feel and behave clearly.
Although there is a very strong genetic component to schizophrenia, genes alone do not completely explain the illness. Rather it is believed that genes do not directly cause schizophrenia, but do make a person vulnerable to developing the disease alongside other factors such as the environment and altered brain chemistry and structure.