For year 1, present value is $9,821.43
For year 2, present value is $19,132.65
For year 3, present value is $25,624.09
Please refer to the attached file
Answer: A.Venture capital firm
Carlos's company is a new business. One with growth potential and less than a year under it's belt and yet it has done some work with Calvin Klein. He now needs capital to continue the momentum and there is a specialized finance vehicle for people like him, Venture Capitalism.
Venture Capitalism refers to Venture Capital firms investing funds in growing or starting businesses. They have a high risk appetite which enables them to go into business with new firms. The key criteria is that there MUST be high Growth Potential.
Their strategy is simple, they invest in a new company in exchange of a certain amount of ownership of the business and then 4-6 years later exit the company when they are bought out.
Carlos's business is growing and has huge potential, if he doesn't mind sharing some of his ownership, Venture Capitalism is the best way to go.
in order to support the employees during the transitional phase of change, the hospital could try helping the employees get used to the new changes by maybe adding facilities that they are used to or maybe arrange some colleagues that the employees are familiar with to work with them, so they can get used to the new things with some support by their side.
consequences the hospital May face if they don't support their employees to make them feel more comfortable in their workplace, many of their workers May quit and it would be hard to find new employees and it would be time-consuming to teach the new employees all over again.
another consequence is that if their employees are the ones that make a lot of people want to go to their Hospital community, then losing them may make the people that go to the hospital community to not want to return again and maybe leave a bad review, since the help support care and treatment probably isn't the same.
The statement above is true. When using interval method, it does not matter the number of responses, if the behavior occur in a given segment then the observer has to record it as a single event. For instance, in an English class of one hour, that is divided into six segments of ten minutes each. It does not matter the number of responses, if the behaviour occurs within the segment of ten minutes, then it has to be recorded as a single event.