Disorganized speech and grossly disorganized behavior represent the feces in schizophrenia.
This is one of the important sociological perspective and is also known as consensus theory.
Functionalist perspective postulates that every aspect of society is responsible for its stability and proper functioning as each aspect or part of it is interdependent on other. Some of the sociologists who propagated this perspective were Emile Durkheim, Robert Merton and Talcott Parsons.
One example of functionalism is that government offers education to children of the country so that tomorrow that can support their near and dear ones and the funds which are used by government for providing education is the money of citizens only collected through taxes. So, here citizens and government are interdependent on each other.
Nature and Nurture
Both Trevor and Bill have undergone similar treatment in their childhood; while Trevor took it as positive to redeem himself Bill remained in the quagmire of negativity, never forgot the abuses against him and decided to pay back in the same coin. It was the nature of Trevor that allowed him to challenge the problem by nurturing himself towards a better life. Trevor learnt a lesson out of abuses inflicted upon him that he would help those underwent similar treatment. It was Bill's nature upon which childhood abuses helped nurture even more vices. While Trevor continued to recall the abuses meted out to him for the betterment, Bill liked to forget it via drugs and idleness. While nature and nurture transformed Trevor to be a better person, it put Bill in the worse condition.
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