The countries involved in the Marshall Plan were mostly United Kingdom and France, however, 18 more countries were helped including Portugal, Turkey, Italy, Austria, Western Germany, the Scandinavian countries, and many more including even countries from Asia, but their plan was called differently and didn't fall directly under the Marshall Plan.
Planning management function
Planning is a management procedure which aims to identify objectives for the long term future of an organization and to determine the tasks and resources required in achieving these objectives. Managers should create a business plan or a marketing plan for achieving objectives.
1) You should go home and watch TV.
Since you value seeing the play $10, then you should leave the theater and go to your house to watch TV since that has a higher value for you ($12).
We are talking about opportunity costs here. Opportunity costs are the extra costs or benefits lost from choosing one activity or investment over another. In this case the opportunity costs are:
- watch the play = $10
- watch TV = $12
- read a book = $8
Since watching TV is more valuable to you, then that is what you should be doing.
The answer is letter D.
The difference is statistically significant, large, and important.