Three little piggy's, what are you asking?
Sky rocket high: to cause to rise or increase abruptly and rapidly.
overwhelming:upset, overthrow
Aggressive: to cause to rise or increase abruptly and rapidly, violent
Exhausted: tired
Groceries: grocer's shop or business
Wearily: with extreme tiredness
A sigh of relief: To show relief, relaxation
Made our way: your own way
Accompanied: go somewhere with (someone) as a companion or escort.
Pleasant: giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment
<span>Which character relationship in The Tempest is the best representation of linguistic imperialism? A. Prospero and Caliban B. Boatswain and Gonzalo C. Trinculo and Caliban D. Ferdinand and Ariel. Ask fordetails; Follow · Report. by Klaudianurce 09/03/2017. Log in to add a comment. Only registered members have access</span>
An understatement is the downplay of something.
I think D; Loyal to his people and their cause.