The embryonic stage.
The prenatal development goes through three different stages:
- The germinal stage: Begins at conception and it takes place during the next 2 weeks.
- The embryonic stage: It takes place from week two to eight weeks after conception. During this stage, the embryo begins to differentiate itself into three layers that will become different systems of the body. By week eight, the basic structures of the brain and central nervous system have been established and the organs start to appear.
- The fetus stage: It takes place from week 9 until birth. The systems formed in the previous stage continue to form until they are ready for birth.
Therefore, the period of prenatal development that occurs two to eight weeks after conception. During this period, the rate of cell differentiation intensifies, support systems for the cells form, and organs appear is called the embryonic stage.
Symbolic Interactionist theory
This anylysis strives to explain how people's social standing affects their everyday interactions, it examine stratification from a micro-level perspective.
The answer is about ninety percent, base on the studies and
researches that is conducted—there is a total of ninety percent when it comes
to the vote with the congress that are passed with the unanimous party line
Don't be judgemental
Act as a sounding board
The meaning of client centered therapy is a person who placing client emphasis on satisfying the client needs