The Albany Plan of Union was a plan to place the British North American colonies under a more centralized government. Although never carried out, the Albany Plan was the first important proposal to conceive of the colonies as a collective whole united under one government.
Your answer is 2. They thought that granting popular sovereignty would allow slavery.
The Popular Sovereignty clause in the Kansas-Nebraska Act meant the territories <em>might </em>allow slavery and enter the Union as slave states.
How do the senate´s unique and formal and informal requirement support the notion that it is a more exclusive body than the House?<span>-Informal requirements: at least 30 years, citizen of the U.S for 9 years, be resident of the state representative
-Formal: upper house, only 2 members for each state 6 years terms vs. House, 2 year term.</span>How is the Senate majority leader similar to and from the speaker of the House?<span>-House of rep: (centralized strong leadership) initiate all revenue bills, Must pass all articles of impeachment, Bigger Influence on budget
-Senate: weak leadership, constant to many presidential nominations
-Similarities: No term limit, salaries, high sates income</span>In your opinion, which Senate committee- Judiciary Committee or the Foreign Relations Committee- has greater influence on American life?I believe that the judicial committee has a greater influence on American life because this committee is responsible for hearing and considering the judicial nominate to supreme court.What is the meaning of the terms filibuster and cloture?Filibuster is to talk or take a bill to death, cloture, to end a debate/ take a vote (60/100 senators for cloture to stop) (3/5 to happen)What are the benefits and drawbacks of having nearly unlimited debate?<span>-Benefits: protects rights of all senators allows minority opinions to be heard and understood
-Disadvantages: prevents critical issues.</span>On the next page compare and contrast the Senate and House of Representative using the provided diagram.<span>...</span>
I think it is unlikely to occur and if it occurs only a small portion of Europe. The printing press becomes a significant factor of the spreading of Protestant Reformation due to the access of information is much easier and effective to transmit around rather than word of mouth. The prints also are easier and cheap to produce.
If this is what I'm thinking then it's like Japan's history. Where Japan was basically run by feudal lords and their loyal clans. until Japan started to becomes westernized. It's affects where a civil war between the samurai fighting for the old ways and the new Japan military who were fighting for railroads and a new age that would disgrace the samurai's life style.