An equation to represent the situation is:
17.5% * 1440
convert 17.5% into a decimal:
and then solve:
0.175 * 1440 = 252
7. if you have a fraction with the same denominator, to add them together you add the numerators and the keep the denominator the same. to subtract, you subtract the numerator and keep the denominator the same.
8. the whole number times the denominator and add the answer to the numerator. to subtract you so the same just subtract rather than add
6 cm because 22cm minus 16cm is 6cm
Step-by-step explanation:
1st step is 2c really will be 2 * 4 = 8
2nd step is ab really will be 3*5= 15
3rd step is 3d really will be 3* 2= 6
so your answer will be 17
Tye required equation will be
Y = 50c+200
Step-by-step explanation:
hope it helps