If something is at rest it will stay at rest UNTIL a force acts upon it same thing if it is moving it will go in a straight line unless an outside force is acted upon it
This law is also known as the law of inertia.
If you want to prevent yourself from being bias you must not base anything off of your opinion, or what you think is the right answer.
Everything must be strictly facts with no intention of trying to persuade the reader. If you truly believe that you need something in your paper, make sure you can support your claim with actual facts (it is very important that you back up all of your claims with actual facts)
Refrain from using things like:
•In my opinion
•I think
•I believe
•I know
•Everyone knows that
Small, electron-lucent vesicles known as synaptic vesicles (SVs) are grouped at presynaptic terminals. They hold neurotransmitters and exocytosis, which is stimulated by calcium, releases them. After exocytosis, SVs are formed locally at the terminals.
- From the presynaptic cell with synaptic vesicles to the postsynaptic cell with neurotransmitter receptors, a signal always moves in one direction across the chemical synapse.
- The correct routing of nerve signals throughout the body is guaranteed by this one-way communication.
- A signal is transmitted from one neuron—the presynaptic, or sending, neuron—to another neuron—the postsynaptic, or receiving, neuron—at the synapse, increasing or decreasing the likelihood that the postsynaptic neuron will fire its own action potential.
- The stimulation causes a sensory neuron to go into an action potential, which alters the motor neuron's potential.
- Excitatory because it tends to depolarize the cell, this potential is known as an excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP).
learn more about synaptic vesicles
Although it's rare, with the odds of getting struck in your lifetime being roughly 1 in 12,000, every now and then a human will provide an attractive target for lightning bolts to unleash their power. And of the roughly 500 people who are struck by lightning each year, about 90 percent survive.