Afferent arteriolar vasoconstriction decreases blood flow into the glomerulus, which causes the glomerular-capillary blood pressure to decrease, leading to a(n) decrease in the net filtration pressure and a resultant decrease in the GFR.
Pretty self-explanatory.
Depending on what you've been learning in bio so far, the glucose is used in a process called glycolysis, which basically turns the glucose into ATP (Energy) which the cell can use.
D. mRNA is synthesized from a strand of DNA.
Transcription, hence the root script, means to write. This is the creation of the mRNA "messenger" information.
the main difference is that bacteria are free-living cells that can live inside or outside a body, while viruses are a non-living collection of molecules that need a host to survive.
Many bacteria help us: living in our gut digesting and helping absorption of our food, fixing nitrogen and decomposing organic materials in soil. Similarly, not all viruses are bad—we now know there are also beneficial viruses present in our gut, skin and blood that can kill undesirable bacteria and more dangerous viruses.