English please? i think i could help but i dont know what language that is
amoeba belongs to the protista family
Wall of stomach : it has three layers of muscle instead of two. Under these muscle layers is the adventitia, layers of connective tissue continuous with the omenta. The epithelium of the stomach forms deep pits, called fundic or oxyntic glands.
wall of ileum : The wall itself is made up of folds, each of which has many tiny finger-like projections known as villi on its surface. The ileum has an extremely large surface area both for the adsorption of enzyme molecules and for the absorption of products of digestion.
The correct answer is -
1. right-handed
2. right-handed
3. positive
4. left-handed
5. negative
6. negative
In a circular bacterial chromosome, the structure of DNA is a right-handed double helix In a circular bacterial chromosome.
If DNA is twisted in the right-handed direction, it becomes overwound. Overwinding results in positive supercoiling takes place. If DNA is twisted in the left handd direction, it becomes underwound. Underwinding results in negative supercoiling.
f. One effect negative supercoiling in bacterial chromosomes is to promote separation of the two strands of DNA in the double helix