all the waters on the earth's surface, such as lakes and seas, and sometimes including water over the earth's surface, such as clouds.
Small cliffs, hills, beaches, lakes and streams are the landforms that cover long island.
The correct answer is: 1) Information-processing, 2) Stage.
An information-processing approach is an approach to the study of cognitive processing which proposes that humans are not passive subjects in information processing, thus they not only respond to environmental stimuli but rather they process the information they receive.
The information-processing approach explains how the brain encods, stores and retrieves information.
The stage approach explains the development of cognitive abilities in the sense that the development occurs in distinct and separate stages, and levels of cognitions are reached in said different stages.
Answer: Email
E-commerce means electronic commerce or internet commerce, and it refers to purchase and selling of goods or services through the internet, and also transferring money to perform the transactions.
The 4 types of e-commerce presence that we have include the web sites, social media, e-mail, and offline media.
A) False
Explanation: The Bill of Rights includes only the first ten amendments to the Constitution.