Well, the first example that I can think is when Rainsford is standing on the deck of the yacht at night and he hears a gunshot. Trying to get a clearer look, Rainsford loses his balance and falls into the water. Rainsford doesn't try to swim back to the yacht (which is smart, as it would have been futile). The narrator states that "a certain coolheadedness had come to him; it was not the first time he had been in a tight place". Because he was able to stay calm, he was able to swim to Ship Trap Island.
Later on, after General Zaroff had released Rainsford into the jungle, Rainsford kept telling himself repeatably "I must keep my nerve, I must keep my nerve". One final example is how Rainsford is able to keep calm during the hunt and think of ways to trick Zaroff. "An idea that held a wild chance came to him, and, tightening his belt, he headed away from the swamp".
Answer: Yes, so if there is an emergency then could go up to the office and ask them if you could call your parents with your phone, let's say if you missed the bus then you could use your phone then too.
Explanation: Phone's can be a great resource in our lives, but they should be restricted from use in a learning environment, reminding us that education is 1st priority. Students in high school are most likely cheating because they are earning bad grades and they take advantage of their phones to do so. More than 200 students were expelled after being caught cheating in the Grade 12 board exam in the past three days. Nearly a dozen parents who helped them use unfair means were also arrested.
Idek this makes no sense. Sorry, but your on your own