Well one week she'd have 23.50$. So per week you multiply that number by the number of weeks.
I hope this is what you were looking for, the question was a bit confusing.
7 parts
Step-by-step explanation:
To get the answer to this, we only simply to know the number of times in which the division was made.
This means that the total ratio of the lines is 2 +5 = 7. Meaning we have 7 different divisions.
The first division carries 2/7 while the second division carrues 5/7
C.H. Weaver M.D. updated 10/2020 What is the Carcinogenicity antigen (CEA)? CEA is an antigen (small protein) that is found on the surface of many types of cancer cells and high levels of CEA can be detected in the blood of some patients with cancer and the developing fetus.
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