World War I, the war that was originally expected to be “over by Christmas,” dragged on for four years with a grim brutality brought on by the dawn of trench warfare and advanced weapons, including chemical weapons. The horrors of that conflict altered the world for decades – and writers reflected that shifted outlook in their work. As Virginia Woolf would later write, “Then suddenly, like a chasm in a smooth road, the war came.”
Early works were romantic sonnets of war and death.
Among the first to document the “chasm” of the war were soldiers themselves. At first, idealism persisted as leaders glorified young soldiers marching off for the good of the country.
English poet Rupert Brooke, after enlisting in Britain’s Royal Navy, wrote a series of patriotic sonnets, including “The Soldier,” which read:
If I should die, think only this of me:
That there’s some corner of a foreign field
That is for ever England.
Brooke, after being deployed in the Allied invasion of Gallipoli, would die of blood poisoning in 1915.
The poem has a different understanding once you take into account she committed suicide soon after. In the poem she talk of being dead in the figurative sense and hiding it with smiles of accomplishment and illusions. Instead after you see she meant she was dead inside and when she talked of her feet saying we've gone to far she means she's tired of living. And again she talks of flowe petals closing as she closes in on herself.
The answer is C. Discovering a quick way to handle a new problem. It is regarded as the best example for resourcefulness
I guess it emerges when people go out with each other. Best friends can become a boy friend or girlf riend relationship. The only way to succeed in love is when you actually love the person you love because of her characteristics, not her looks or fame.
People may be mean at first but it's most likely something happened to them. Then there's lust. Lust is when two people want each other but don't love each other. True love is only when you and your love been thru a lot with each other and are still together.