break down dead mat and produce oxygen
The priority action for Darla to take is to apply pressure through the vaginal canal on the presenting parts. In which by these technique applying pressure over the vaginal canal on the presenting parts will help relieve pressure on the umbilical cord. In addition, umbilical cord prolapse happens when the umbilical cord moves toward out of the uterus with or before the offering part of the fetus. It is a comparatively infrequent circumstance and happens in less than 1% of the prenatal period.
The best answer would be:
A. DNA is being transcribed into mRNA.
If you'd like to know why:
In the image shown, you can see the <u>BLUE </u>strands and the <u>RED </u>strand. The Blue strand is DNA and the Red strand is mRNA. What is happening in the picture is TRANSCRIPTION. It is the process of making an RNA copy of the DNA strand to create proteins based on the DNA strand.
The <u>GREEN</u> blob is most likely RNA polymerase. Its job is to synthesize or make a complementary RNA strand of the DNA by assembling nucleotides to form an RNA strand based on the DNA template.
Answer:c. Two identical cells are formed