A warm front is moving towards South Carolina bringing rainy conditions
From this weather map, we can see that South Carolina will soon be under the influence of a warm front. The warm front is moving towards this state, and it is coming from southeastern direction, thus it has been formed over warm waters. Because it has been formed over warm waters, this front is warm and very moist which will result in lot of rainfall once it comes upon a natural barrier to cause condensation, and the Appalachian Mountains will do just that, thus South Carolina will receive a lot of rainfall.
Storing energy because it’s not with the other energy
Yes, It indeed is inside a cell's nuculeus. You are correct
Humans out here just eating meat and driving cars. Playa don’t hate
mg of powder 1 and
mg of powder 2
Let "X" denotes weight of powder 1 added to the new mixture and "Y" denotes weight of powder 2 added to the new mixture
Total weight of vitamin B1 in the mixture is equal to
Total weight of vitamin B2 in the mixture is equal to
Equation 1

Equation 2

Let us simplify the above two equations, we will get

Substituting value of X in equation 2 we get