Government related: you attend school. Schools are monitored and supervised by the government. Your learning is also studied in various ways by the government.
Economy related: One of the most obvious ways in which government and the economy interact in your daily life is through taxes. Even if you do not work, when you buy anything at a store, you are most likely paying taxes on those items.
U-Boat (Unterseeboot)
During World War I, German Submarines played an essential role in the North Sea and the war. Germans were quite advanced when it came to controlling submarines. During the first World War, commander Franz Becker guided German submarines which we know today as U-boats. The Germans unrestricted submarine warfare tactics caused great offence to the merchant vessels in the waters around Great Britain particularly of the Royal Navy and America.
Hope this help, I was from last year
On the continental expansion, Americans pushed Native Americans off their land making deals with them that favored the US more than the tribes. After that, Americans pushed their ideas to the areas being developed trying to make Native Americans abandon their own culture.
On the expansionism overseas the US returned the land to its original inhabitants, this happened in Cuba for example. This was the main difference between expansionism inside and outside the US.
The taking of Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines was a violation of fundamental American ideals of self-government and democracy, this was actually the main argument of Anti-Imperialists. Once the US had claimed the territory they established their own rule and define role/impact in each respective country. Conquering other territories and forcing them to abide by American ideals and culture goes against the idea of American freedom.