Aziz has Down syndrome.
Down syndrome or trisomy 21 is a genetic disorder which results in physical growth delays and mild / moderate intellectual disability. Patients with this disorder have characteristic facial features and their IQ is usually equivalent to the mental ability of an 8 or 9-year-old child.
To be sure, the patient need complementary studies.
In a pap test sometimes the result can be as "abnormal cells" but that does nt mean cancer directly. The doctor need to do a complementary study like a colposcopy to check if the cells are abnormal, and in which are is the damage.
Also the etiology could be due to the papiloma virus, that in most of the cases cause abnormal cells, that lead into cancer. But, in other situations, some other bacteria can be infected the reproductive system and have a false result due to other bacteria like yeast or Trichomonas.
Hope this is useful.
I am almost entirely sure that DNA testing had not been discovered at this time, but regardless of whether that is true, the very first criminal case that DNA testing was used in occurred in 1985. So no, it was not used commonly in the 20's.
A major role of the cell wall is to form a framework for the cell to prevent over expansion.
It has properties of the ordinal level of measurement and
the differences in the values of the variable have meaning. A value of zero in
the interval level of measurement does not mean the absence of the quantity.
Arithmetic operations such as addition and subtraction can be performed on
values of the variable is called interval.
While nominal the values of the variables name, label or categorize. In
addition, the naming scheme does not allow values of the variables to be
arranged in a ranked or specific, order.