Mainly to invest in to attract qualified resource human from differentes countries.
Explanation:For human resource
Harry Smith resident of Texas, Happy Homes a Texas corporation, and Sonia Martinez a Texas attorney.
Edison and his assistant, WIlliam Dickson, grew worried that others were gaining around in camera development, such as Eadweard Muybridge. Muybridge presented the idea of collaborating to create a movie camera, but Edison turned him down. He planned to do this by using Edison's Phonograph and his Xoopraxiscope, a device for projecting motion pictures that pre-dated the flexible perforated film strip.
Edison's Movie Camera, also known as the "Kinetograph" finally came together in 1891. The movie camera takes a sequence of photographs in order to give the illusion of motion when viewed in rapid succession.
<span>There is an organ in the brain sensitive to light changes, which then affects our sleepiness.
This sensitivity to light changes will determine our response to melatonin that influences our level of 'tiredness'.
The more melatonin that we have in our body, the more likely we feel sleepy and fall asleep.</span>