Suffrage is the right to vote
The Warren Court made rulings that were controversial at the time but continue to shape American society.
The US is a federal government.
The federal system divides the government to the federal governments and smaller governments (the state & local governments for the United States). It is also a indirect democracy in how it goes about passing laws, electing officials to do the bidding of the people.
The country that is directly 2500 miles east from Mali is Saudi Arabia, when the measurement is taken from the easternmost point of the country, in the central region, on the border with the country of NIger.
This 2,500 line crosses the countries of Niger, Chad, Sudan, and the Red Sea, and falls on southwestern Saudi Arabia, relatively close with the border with Yemen.
1. All 3 religions shared the same principle in that one god existed. Their same principles like peace and justice were shared among the 3 religions.
2. Judaism and Islam do not recognize the divinity of Jesus. Judaism reject the notion of God in human form. The three religions used different scriptures such as the Old and New Testament and the Quran.