Changes in voting qualifications and participation, the election of Andrew Jackson, and the formation of the Democratic Party—due largely to the organizational skills of Martin Van Buren—all contributed to making the election of 1828 and Jackson's presidency a watershed in the evolution of the American political system
1. flooding
2. Old Kingdom
3. Rosetta Stone
4. monotheism
5. Sobekneferu
6. New Kingdom
7. The Nile was the main source of water and the main route of transit in ancient Egypt. Its annual flooding was predictable and enriched the soil, which made the Nile River Valley one of the most productive in the ancient world.
8. The Egyptians worshipped many gods. The pharaohs were not only the head of the religion in Egypt, but their rule was also thought to be ordained by the gods. Ancient Egyptians believed that the afterlife was similar to their living life and wanted to prepare people for a similar existence after death. As a result, for the pharaohs during the Old Kingdom, the pyramids were constructed as elaborate tombs that contained everything that a ruler might need in the afterlife.
C. Nixon quit as president before the Watergate
scandal made the news.
For starters, he cut down taxes on companies. He believed that the companies could then increase salaries and create new job opportunities. People could also join the market easier and open their own companies since the taxes were smaller. With more companies in the market, the competition was greater, the prices and the products were better. Or at least that's how it was supposed to work in theory.
The Cherokee went to the Supreme Court again in 1831. This time they based their appeal on an 1830 Georgia law which prohibited whites from living on Indian territory after March 31, 1831, without a license from the state. The state legislature had written this law to justify removing white missionaries who were helping the Indians resist removal. The court this time decided in favor of the Cherokee. It stated that the Cherokee had the right to self-government, and declared Georgia's extension of state law over them to be unconstitutional. The state of Georgia refused to abide by the Court decision, however, and President Jackson refused to enforce the law.