Answer: Rubber, glass, and oil industries.
Harding was for expanding the defensive tax. Harding additionally authorized new movement laws. The Fordney-McCumber Tariff was built up and wound up plainly one of the most noteworthy levies ever. This levy was considerably higher than the Payne-Aldrich tax amid Taft's administration. Rather than helping the economy, the Fordney-McCumber Tariff was a reason for the Great Depression. It made different nations increment their rates. The nation was no in conditions like the begin of World War I. Wartime controls were evacuated, the Fordney-McCumber Tariff was built up and movement was limited. Harding understood the greater part of the defects in the administration that should have been settled however he passed away before he goes the opportunity to utilize his energy. The Teapot Dome embarrassment additionally happened amid Harding's administration when Secretary of the Interior Albert B. Fall rented an oil save in eastern Wyoming to Harry F. Sinclair's oil organization in 1921.
<u>Die Brucke</u>
Associated Artists:
Erich Heckel
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Max Pechstein
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
Developed Where:
Dresden, Germany in 1995
The meaning of "Die Brucke" is the bridge. The name Die Brücke was chosen to indicate the group's desire to "bridge" the past and present.
German Expressionism
Young Girl, 1913 by Erich Heckel
Vaudeville Theatre, 1909/1926 by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Woman with a Fan 1913 by Kees van Dongen
<u>Der Blaue Reiter</u>
Associated Artists:
Wassily Kandinsky
Alexej von Jawlensky
Franz Marc
Paul Klee
Developed Where:
Munich, Germany in 1911
Der Blaue Reiter means The Blue Rider. The name "Der Blaue Reiter" referred to Kandinsky and Marc's belief that blue was the most spiritual color and that the rider symbolized the ability to move beyond.
German Expressism
The Yellow Cow, 1911 by Franz Marc
Composition VII, 1913 by Wassily Kandinsky
In the Style of Kairouan, 1914 by Paul Klee
William English Walling
Originally in 1905, the Niagara Movement was founded by the likes of Du Bois and other Africam American personalities in a Canadian location known as Niagara.
However, the likes of William English Walling joined the movement in 1906. Walling was widely known as the Socialist and American labor reformer, he eventually seek for revival of the abolitionist spirit when he joined the Niagara Movement
The election was thrown to the House of Representatives, where each state got one vote. They voted for Jefferson.