Homes on East Egg are wealthy from long lines of generations (a son will inherit his father's fortune), whilst homes on West Egg are people who built up their fortunes (ex. people who gain money from working in industries).
1.The apostrophe after the word years is not supposed to be there. 2. The word we've is the wrong word. 3.The apostrophe in the word trial's is not supposed to be there. 4.You're is not the right word for the sentence and should be changed to your. These are the mistakes that I have found, but at the same time, recheck to make sure these mistakes can be found within the paragraph.
If no ban:
Within life, through the smallest viewpoint, there is an importance in everything. Whether we see it or not, every action, item, and person has an importance and influence to society. (explain how book is important to society)
If yes ban:
For certain situations, some things are better unleft, and not described further. Caustions of these might cause future problems for people of all ages. (explain how book isn't worthyful).
You need to put more space in it this is to hard to read