They were the founders of democracy and they held meatings to vote for things and thats where we get the elections from
Extrinsic, Intrinsic
In everyday life, we all motivated by our motivation level. The motivation sometimes could be intrinsic and sometimes it could be extrinsic. We get up in the morning. Sometime we get up early and do our work, exercise meditation but sometimes we feel very lazy. These all happened because of our motivation level. Thus there is a different type of motivation that paly an important role in our life.
<u>Intrinsic motivation: </u>
This type is related to your internal motivation. To fulfill your desire when a person gets motivated internally is called intrinsically motivated.
<u>Extrinsic motivation:</u>
This type of motivation is related to external resources that motivated a person such as a good incentive plays the role of external motivation for a person at a workplace.
D.It gives it a more adventurous tone
Perilous is a word that expresses adventure, risks and danger, perilous is often used to described a journey that can be full of dangers and unknown things, that is why the use of the word perilous on the paragraph gives it a mor adventurous tone, because of the correlation that a risky and dangerous trip has with adventure.
The law of moral cause-and-effect is called the law of Karma.
Depending on whoever you ask, there are several opinions on what karma really is. While some adhere to the traditional interpretation rooted in Eastern religions, others interpret it more in line with a Western conception of good and evil. This can consequently result in various interpretations of how karma functions in life. This law states that whatever ideas or energy one put out, one receives back, whether it's positive or negative. One must embody and merit the things they want in order to obtain them. It's the idea that you harvest what one sows. Memories and wants are shaped by karma, which then dictates how one lives. The karmic software that controls one's existence is comprised of actions, memories, and desires.
To learn more about the Law of Karma refer to: