The basis of this argument is that verbs are conjugated only in the present and past tense. If we want to refer to the future, we have to use the auxiliary verb will, or the be going to phrase followed by the verb in present or past, or the present tense. Since in English, there is no change in the conjugation of the verbs for the future, some linguistics claim that there are two tenses (past and present) while others claim that there are three because we form the future tense with the addition of the auxiliary or use present simple or continuous.
Linguistics such as Quicker Al claims that there are two tenses, present, and past since they are expressed by inflections in their verbs, while future does not have inflections. There is no future tense, but there is future time. Time is related to our perception of reality, making the future subjective. On the other side, tense expresses when an action happens, taking into account the moment that the person is speaking. Linguistics such as Hatav or Klein claims three tenses' existence, past, present, and future. They state that we can refer to the future with the addition of the auxiliary verb will, or the phrase be going to, or the use of present simple, or continuous even though there is no specific inflection in the verb, as it happens in other languages like Portuguese or Spanish. They identify the future with the definition of tense.
Hi. Some of these questions require a personal answer, which is created by you based on your own opinions. In that case, I'll introduce you to answers that can be used as a template for you to create your own answers. I hope this is helpful.
1. It is important to imagine a larger audience when writing, to stimulate your writing skills and present arguments and ideas to people of different minds. This variety of thoughts allows you to prepare your arguments well and find efficient ways to justify them.
2. Because our opinions need to be substantiated by elements that everyone can see, to be considered true. An opinion that is not proven, cannot be considered correct, because it is created without the analysis of facts and evidence, presenting only the perception of its author and this cannot be considered correct.
3. The target audience refers to the audience you want to reach with your essay, that is, what types of people do you want to read and understand the arguments you are presenting in this text and why it is important that this type of person read your text. Also, you must imagine how this text is relevant to these people and how they are helped by it.
4. You must observe how the proposal you present in the text is possible to happen and how it can improve a community or population. However, even though it is a proposal that can be implemented, it does not happen and you should think about the reasons why it does not happen. These reasons can be political, economic, social, environmental, among others.
C) to organize information in a way that readers can follow easily
An outline helps a writer organize the information in his or her notes logically.
Alcohol has a known side effect of increasing the consumers temper. It increases irritability, slows reaction time and con concentration.
Antinous goes against the Greek values of hospitality and generosity, and those who go against Greek values tend to be punished in The Odyssey.