When Danforth demands that Proctor confess to witchcraft, John Proctor responds that “God is dead” and they will all burn in hell together. He says this because the people of Salem are the ones committing sins by continuing the hysteria of the witch trials.
“An Episode of War” is a beautiful piece written by Stephen Crane. The novel shows the dark side of the war and those soldiers who get hurt during war.
In short the "Tragedy of War" is the main message of the novel conveyed through the injured lieutenant!
1. Im thinking the god's name could be Anthos.
2. He first tryed creating other planets, but failed, then succeeded at creating Earth.
3. He created plants, trees, insects, ect., probably because they were needed to balance out life.
If it didn't help, here's my myth
U can ask me questions about it:
There are the 2 gods, the God of Creation (Anthos) and the God of Destruction (Marthos) . Time and time again, Anthos would create life forms, planets, and even galaxies, and Marthos would destroy them (either to keep things in check or for fun). One day, Anthos had enough of this, so created planet Earth with creatures that were very dangerous and could also cause a decent amount of damage. When Marthos saw these creatures, he was amazed and left them alone for an extra million years, but eventually Marthos wiped them out.
opposition noun
op·po·si·tion | \ˌä-pə-ˈzi-shən \
Definition of opposition
1 : a configuration (see CONFIGURATION sense 1b) in which one celestial (see CELESTIAL entry 1 sense 2) body is opposite another (such as the sun) in the sky or in which the elongation (see ELONGATION sense 1) is near or equal to 180 degrees
2 : the relation between two propositions having the same subject and predicate but differing in quantity or quality or both
3 : an act of setting opposite or over against : the condition of being so set
He spoke in opposition to the new law.
4 : hostile or contrary action or condition
offered strong opposition to the advance of the enemy
5a : something that opposes
specifically : a body of persons opposing something
Each candidate is focused on raising more money than the opposition.
b often capitalized : a political party opposing and prepared to replace the party in power
The opposition is likely to win the upcoming election.
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