Global warming is not a prediction. It is happening right now. It is a current increase in temperature of the Earth atmosphere, water, and surface. Human activities produce greenhouse gases that accumulate in the atmosphere and cause problems our planet faces today. Global warming can do more than just melt polar ice and change weather patterns throughout the world.
It can change our maps, displace people from tropical islands and cities, and cause famine. There is no debate within the scientific community. The scientific evidence of the global warming is clear. The consequences of this global problem will only intensify if we do not confront the realities of climate change. Mankind should achieve some meaningful solutions in order to address the threat of global warming. We should stop deforestations, reduce carbon emissions, and fight misinformation. People should be prepared for the inevitable consequences of the global warming. It is our today`s reality and we should be responsible for doing so much harm to our planet Earth.
Ok so when yiu write your essay your introduction paragraph (your first one)
will be on what you are trying to get through the readers mind and brifly state your reasons.
(First reason paraghraph) Use a transintion word in the begining and state the reason and then state your evidence. and do the same for your next three
(counclusion) For you counclusion you will state up all your reasons in a diffrent way you have for teh other times and compare it to what it would be without globle warming! :) '
Answer: The statement that has been written objectively is D. The 62% of high school students that experience cyber bullying, and bullying is signaling an epidemic in schools across the U