When a firm is experiencing lesser profit it can come up
with different strategy to improve its present product rather than developing
new product because improving present product involves lesser cost therefore
more profit. The answer is B. Product Extension and C. New product placement.
Reintroduction is one way, it is launching the product
using more creative sales and marketing strategy. It can target a new market segment,
provide more information about the product and use more appealing
advertisements. The product’s packaging can also be changed to make it look
more attractive and fresh.
extension can be use as it is targeting a new market. It can
involve exporting the products. This strategy may be costly but when successful
will level up your product’s quality as it passed exporting quality. It is
changing the market NOT the product.
product Placement is a strategy where in the products are
advertised by placing it in media. The products are shown for example in
movies, the character uses the products that way it can give awareness to the
viewers how the products can be used and also the brand and name of the
products are advertised without direct reference to the product. It doesn’t
involve changing the product’s feature only the product placement is changed to
a new one.
<span>Rebranding can also be used. It is introducing your
product with a new name, changing the product’s name not only its packaging but
the total appearance. It gives the product a whole new image to target new
image audience or expand its audience.</span>
Compare and Contrast ->
Roles of the federal government -> Promoter & Regulator of industrial growth
U.S.Government => Promoter & Regulator of industrial growth
Pacific Railway Act (1862)-They have been granted 20 square miles of land per 1 mile of the track laid down. It strongly encouraged the construction of transcontinental railway lines, contributing to five different transcontinental roads: Union Pacific RR, Central Pacific RR, South Pacific RR, North Pacific RR and the Great North. The Grants Act of Morrill Land (1862)-gave state free land.
U.S.Government => Roles of the federal government
Sherman Antitrust Act (1890)The purpose was to promote economic competition through the regulation of shares, cartels and monopolies. It was very uncompromisingly applied Interstate Trade Act (1887). It also prohibits discrimination against shippers and pays more on the same train for shorter routes than for longer routes.
In the 19th Century and in themid-19th Century, the government of the United States was much more a proponent of industrialisation then an industrialisation regulator than a regulator.
In the year 1862, for instance, congress took place on the Pacific Railway Act, which gave the railway lines 20 acres per mile. This eventually culminated in five transcontinental trains: Union Pacific Railways, Central Pacific Railways, North American Railways, South Pacific Railways, and the Great North.In end, this resulted in the creation of booming towns in the west, encouraging manufacturers to relocate to their inhabitants and enabling businesses to sell their products to remote locations that were once hard to reach. Congress also enacted Morrill's 1861 Tariff Act which substituted for a higher tariff for the limited import tariff inserted in 1816. This shielded businesses from foreign competitors and increased their profits so that they could increase their power. The US government in general has been a more aggressive manufacturing supporter.
Free enterprise pretty much says that people can sell whatever they want at a price they choose to whoever wants to but it. Becacuse of this people wanted to go out and make their own businesses where they sold the goods or services they chose to. So yes, I believe free market inspired people to become euntrapenures. For the next question, yes as well. With the amount of people selling different things the economy became more diverse.
b.both parties are made better off.
People voluntary to trade when they will better off after the trade. Since individual or nation has different proficiency and endowment resources, the ability to produce some product will be different for each country.
For example, German people are skillful of making beer. They have efficient production. Whereas France have expertise in making perfume. It is reasonable for German people to buy perfume from France since it is cheaper and has better quality than making it themselves. On the other hand, if french want to drink beer, it is cheaper to buy from Germany. Thus, both Germany and France will be better of after the trade.