Our physical and mental health are inextricably linked and people who live with a long-term physical condition - such as diabetes, arthritis or asthma - are also likely to experience mental ill-health, such as depression and anxiety.
Long-term conditions can't be cured, only managed, and they come with a risk of social isolation, low self-esteem, stigma and discrimination. This can easily give way to a mental health condition if support isn't available.
Answer: I would say that things like making all factories run on elctricity and not smoke and let it come from the top.
Explanation:This will help because it will reduce smoke/co2 in the air. PS don't put this I'm not completely sure u will get it. Put something like my idea, research what makes the most co2 and say to make it electric
New South Wales
The NSW Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 includes disability as a grounds of unlawful discrimination. The NSW legislation covers similar areas as the DDA plus: partnerships (business) trade unions.
protects people with disability from discriminatory treatment in a range of areas including employment, education and access to services, facilities and public areas. The Act makes disability discrimination unlawful and promotes equal rights, equal opportunity and equal access for people with disabilities.
Short-term effect of nicotine is increased blood pressure