<span>B)<span>The exact location of a particular disease-causing gene can be determined.
electromagnetic energy
sunlight is a radiation, from the electromagnetic spectrum we have visible light and ultraviolet radiation whose source is the light
Winds are caused by low and high pressure zones, mainly due to temperature differences of atmospheric air in different regions. Air moves from high to low-pressure zones causing winds.
Local winds, as the name suggests, are winds due to regional temperature differences. An example is sea breeze caused by temperature differences over land and sea in the region.
Global winds, on the other hand, are caused by large pressure systems across the planet. These are mainly caused by differences in how the sunlight ‘hits’ the planet at different latitudes – due to earth’s spherical nature- causing differential heating of the earth. These winds travel great distances causing trade winds.
You measure temperature with a barometer
Silk worms are an invasive species in the UK. They cover trees and kill them….. silk comes out of their butt and we call it silk thread. Silk thread is silk spun into thread, or silk worm pooo pooooooo