Adaptive immunity can be acquired during either 'naturally' (by infection) or 'artificially' (through deliberate actions such as vaccination). Adaptive immunity can also be classified as 'active' or 'passive'
Here's what i'd put
My life now is very simple, because i go to school and come back and do homework while occasionally going out. If i became a teen parent, I'd become much more busy. I'd have a new life to take care of! I would probably get much less sleep and have to be up to take care of the baby, and I would have to spare so much time to take care of the baby. Having a baby right now might effect my education because I would barely have any time to even do school work or i might even have to drop out to get a job and have more money for all the thinks he or she might need.
Pollution is and can be poisonous to some environment and to organism. It also harms the thing in that environment.
We never get to have fun anymore because that's his girlfriend trying to get him to hang out with her more often