<h2>"<lastmod>" is the right choice for the given scenario</h2>
<update> This tag does not belong to <URL> tag of the site map. Hence this option goes invalid.
<lastmod> This gives details of the date and time when the website content was changed. It will be in "W3C Date time format". This may omit time at times. This is the write answer.
<loc> This contains the URL of the web page.
<changefreq>: How frequently the "web page is likely to get modified". The values which it accepts are: "monthly, always
, daily
, weekly
,hourly, yearly
, never"
The function in C is as follows:
int nexthour(int tme){
tme = tme%12 + 1;
return tme;
This defines the function
int nexthour(int tme){
Ths calculates the next hour using % operator
tme = tme%12 + 1;
This returns the next hour
return tme;
To protect the computer network of a large organization, network engineers monitor network traffic. Malware detection method of data mining best being used to protect the network.
Data mining has excellent potential as a malware detection tool. It allows us to analyze vast sets of information and gives an opportunity to extract new data from it. It also provides the ability to identify both known and zero-day attacks.
When we are implementing ADT stack using linked chain we can pop an entry from the stack having O(1) time complexity because in linked chain we have the head or top pointer in linked chain only.Popping and pushing in stack happens on only one end that is top.So we have move to move top in linked chain to the next and delete prev node.
TTL means time -to- live field is a counter that is designed to keep packets from circulating indefinitely in the network case forwarding tables accidentally create cycles. An IP datagram is typically initialized with a TTL of 60 or 64 and the TTL is decremented by one each time it enters a router. If the TTL reaches zero, the router will discard the packet. It is one of the components of the IP datagram