Helium is extracted in a few places in the world, namely USA, Algeria, Russia and Qatar. Helium is abundant in space, where it's produced as a product of the fusion reaction inside stars such as the sun.
Any process that involves active transport most often involves the expenditure of energy in the form of ATP hydrolysis.
Active transport in cells is a form of transport which involves the transport of solute molecules across a membrane against a concentration gradient using energy provided from some chemical reaction occuring in the cell.
Active transport is an endergonic (energy-requiring) process and therefore, must proceed only when coupled to an exergonic (energy-releasing) process such as the breakdown of ATP, an oxidation reaction, absorption of sunlight, etc.
In many instances in cell, such as the Na/K pump, ATP hydrolysis is the the common exergonic reaction to which active transport is coupled to.
Make reclamation mandatory after limestone has been removed