Carry grendel's severed head back to heorot. beowulf finds that hrunting is useless against grendel's mother. beowulf slays grendel's mother with a giant sword.
A. Clinton's specific and positive diction, points out America's best qualities with words like "hopeful" and "inclusive"
The above option is the correct answer.
Clinton's diction is specific and positive. It points certain qualities of America. As she stated, "...and building an America that is hopeful, inclusive, and big-hearted", it reveals that these are the qualities that actually characterizes America. She reveals to her audience that America is filled with hope and big-hearted (kind and generous).
The correct answer is time/chronological order because chronological order is the sequence of events in a story, and if you put them in at the correct time you get an understandable paragraph, story, etc...