Answer:The hate for people of color, is just as it was from 1700's to now in America. It's just hidden, swept under the rug. On application's why do they ask for our RACE & ETHNICITY???? To prepare themselves for people of COLOR???? May GOD BLESS America & help all of us to love one another COLORED BLIND, where race & our ethnicity doesn't matter. America can start the ball rolling by making it mandatory that we have to know the true American history, BLACK,HISPANIC,INDIANS, ASIAN'S we all helped in making America great!!!!!! And stop teaching clombus founded America!!!! Indians & Hispanics where here way before clombus landed on America's shores
Yes is correct. I know what a microphone is. lol
The answer is jurisdiction court
The second temple was destroyed during a Jew uprising against the Roman Empire. The priests were massacred and many Jews banned to live inside Jerusalem. The Romans built a pagan temple at the original site.
The Christ's second coming is a key event that all Christians await as He will deliver the final judgement to all humans.