When conducting research, scientists use the scientific method to collect
measurable, empirical evidence in an experiment related to a hypothesis (often in
the form of an if/then statement), the results aiming to support or contradict a
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Coroner's office
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The pelvis is a good identifier when it comes to male and female because the features have distinct features. The female pelvis for example is broader and the inlet is much wider. It is structured that way to prepare the woman's body for pregnancy and child birth.
Forensic anthropologists is a sub-category of anthropology. Forensic anthropologists examine skeletal remains to determine how an individual lived, died, and how long they were dead. They can also identify who they were. Forensic anthropologists can assist especially when the remains are badly decomposed.
You can help protect and restore the temperate forest by purchasing paper and wood products that are FSC certified for your home and business. These are products that have come from sustainably managed forests, where trees are replanted and not clear cut.
In the large rainfall is some water remains in the top of the soil the rest of this water is seeped into the ground.
- Mainly the absorption of water by the ground depends upon the nature and the fertility of the soil.
- When the ground receives the water it mainly accounts for the absorption and then there will be a runoff. The absorption helps to raise the level of groundwater for future usage.
- The amount of water that can get into the soil mainly depends upon the permeability of the soil surface. The water which can't infiltrate in the soil runs off into the water bodies.
- The water is an essential requirement for survival and the existence of biological organisms.