Substitutes are goods where you can consume one in place of the other.
The prices of complementary or substitute goods also shift the demand curve. When the price of a good that complements a good decreases, then the quantity demanded of one increases and the demand for the other increases.
The interval of the investment is 20 years, so it is better to allocate a 30 percentage of the income on investments because this will serve as guaranteed sustainable income for the future.
The investment should be in two different types of 15%, 15%. This will help Incase something happens to one. And a return of at least 10% on each for 20 years will be alright. Thank you.
In investments risk, income and return should be considered with economic state.
The correct answer is Identification
Problem Identification
Most of the time, a decision aims to solve a problem. Therefore, it is important to identify the nature of the issue to be resolved and to delimit it.
This step is crucial because, at the end of the process, the decision taken must be in accordance with the problem identified. Otherwise, chances are good that you will make an ineffective decision that cannot bring you the solution you need.