Basically, anything quantity that is not defined as one of the 7 base quantities is a derived quantity by definition. Pressure is not one of the 7 base quantities. Hence it is a derived quantity.
The answer for B is 10% and for C is 40%.
To get the percentage for B you take the the frequecy of students taking 2 courses (5) and multiply it by 100 then you divide it by whole number of students.
For C you do the after adding the number of students taking 1 or 2 courses (20).
A bar code is a series of bars and spaces representing numbers or letters.
A method that is used for the purpose of representing a data in the form of a picture or image that can be easily understood by the machine. It consists of many lines that has different widths and spaces. They either represent the letter or a number. These are mainly used for the representation of data in the machine understandable format.
For example an UPC-A bar codes has 12 numbers. The numbering system is represented by the first digit. The manufacturer will be represented by the next five digits in it. The product will be represented by the five digits following it. Check digit is represented in the last digit.