Because of the large amount of labour saved by giving workers specialized tasks in Industrial Revolution-era factories, some classical economists as well as some mechanical engineers such as Charles Babbage were proponents of division of labor.
Had to look for the options and here is my answer. The practice that was contributed by Eastern religions to American life is YOGA AND MEDITATION. Based on the listed practices, this is the only one that has an Eastern origin and the rest are from the west. Hope this helps.
At the time that The Declaration of Independence was Written, the phrase “all men are created equal” refers to white men. At the time, black men and women did not have rights.
Hope this helps :)
A citizen is a participatory member of a political community. Citizenship is gained by meeting the legal requirements of a national, state, or local government
Conduct a classroom discussion on aspects of good citizenship, such as: obeying rules and laws, helping others, voting in elections, telling an adult if someone is a danger to themselves or others, and being responsible for your own actions and how they affect others.
Volunteer to be active in your community.
Be honest and trustworthy.
Follow rules and laws.
Respect the rights of others.
Be informed about the world around you.
Respect the property of others.
Be compassionate.
Take responsibility for your actions.