C. Vaccination
vaccination is the administration of a vaccine to help the immune system develop protection from a disease. Vaccines contain a microorganism or virus in a weakened, live or killed state, or proteins or toxins from the organism.
Root hairs appear in the root maturation zone and differentiate from unspecialised cells called trichoblasts.
Root hair arises as a small protrusion surrounded by a cell wall, they are found in the piliferous area; they can originate in unspecialised epidermal cells, in some called trichoblasts. The bump begins to elongate and moves away from the epidermis, forming root hair. The root hairs as they lengthen, it is seen that their content shows a polarized distribution, the apical part is constituted mainly by vesicles secreted by the Golgi apparatus that contain the precursors of the cell wall that are to be released by exocytosis. Trichoblasts can be arranged in different ways, there are roots where any of the cells that are part of the rhizodermis can give rise to a root hair. In other roots, trichoblasts and atricoblasts have been seen to be distinguished alternately along a row of cells.
#1 grasses, acacia tree
#2 zebra lion
#3 C
#4 B
#5 A
also answers to photo 3 4 and 5
photo 3. D D C
photo 4. C C B
photo 5. rabbit hawk fox
Mirror neurons are said to be the factors behind social imitation. Neurons are the main cell of the nervous system which is responsible for communication of organs and control of many bodily functions. In an evolutionary standpoint, mirror neurons are an advantage because humans are able to replicate and imitate skills, behaviors and practices which they find beneficial and advantageous in the wild. Among their social peers, mirror neurons help these individuals practice social inclusion through culture, values and practices for increased group cohesion and cooperation.
The correct answer is B. Quadriplegia is paralysis of all four limbs.
Quadriplegia is a clinical sign that causes total or partial paralysis of arms and legs caused by damage to the spinal cord, specifically in some of the cervical vertebrae, or by a disease that affects motor neurons, such as the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. In some cases, following intensive rehabilitation, some mobility can be regained.