From over a 100 years the universe we knew and the knowledge that scientist possessed from the research of over thousand years reached to new peaks of development.
- <u>Broadminded view of research workers led to development in science and technology:</u>
The researchers and scientist at that time had a broad mind about the development of technology and science, and they invented various electronic chips and machines which led to evolution in the universe.
<u>Telescopes:</u> Telescopes were made and developed to become more powerful and complex as they carried out research work in the different zones on the universe, specially in our solar system.Like Huble telescope which is on different missions to explore the universe and beyond.
Even there are some fields of research work in which the life and events happened in the past are explore and studied by the scientists and students.
- <u>Privatization of space and technological companies:</u>
It was a time when the government had the authority to produce and develop machines to explore our solar system, which led to many hardships for independent researchers and scientists. Now a days companies like spaceX, conducts the space exploration missions and collects important data about the solar system. Along with analyzing other heavenly bodies present in the universe.
- <u>Software's enhancement and hardware developments into small chips:</u>
The software were enhanced as new embedded system were introduced to execute various functions and research work. Along with that the super machines which covered the area which was equal to a room got so small and minute that people now keep there computers in pockets i.e smartphones.
- <u>End of illiteracy in most of the region enhanced more research work:</u>
Starting from the laws of motions and gravity, to the recent exploration of earth, moon, and moreover other planets, what made us more of human that before we do reasoning on imposing sanctions on not to let some one explore the universe, let them have the support from our side to enhance the technology and science overall. There were a number of research works which were carried out in the century or more.