Luther challenged the church and the pope in his 95 theses he disagreed with indulgences and the capitalist like mind that the church was taking on. He believed that the sale and preaching of indulgences to buy one’s way out of Purgatory was wrong. People should be doing good works out of the goodness In their heart, not because they have to. He believed that if the Pope was truly supposed to be God’s representative on earth, then he shouldn’t be concerned with the state and other governmental issues. The church and Pope should be concerned with only heavenly salvation not early material possessions such as money and competing architecture. Luther was a major threat to the church and has many tries like the diet of worms and the Papal’s Bull of excommunication. The theologians that preceded Luther were in agreeance with Luther, but like Luther they faces excommunication as well. At the time Excommunication meant outlaw and therefore no protection form death, or worse holy salvation.
Frankly, I think that the motives of the conquistador lies in their name. These men wanted to conquer "the other," that which was in front of them. They did not come in peaceful harmony. Their motives were to conquer and capture that which existed in their path to extolling their own glory, and that of nation in a secondary capacity. The Conquistador use of force through the military reveals that their motives were to control New lands and native populations.
10 to 45 mins... is the answer
Holy War: a war declared or waged in support of a religious cause.
Islam: the religion of the Muslims, a monotheistic faith regarded as revealed through Muhammad as the Prophet of Allah.
Seljuk Turks: The Great Seljuk Empire or the Seljuk Empire was a high medieval Turko-Persian Sunni Muslim empire, originating from the Qiniq branch of Oghuz Turks.
It's that simple ;)
Bradford's fortunate perspective of history is clear all through his history of the state. Being a man of profound religious confidence, he sees God's submit the occasions that happen. For example, Bradford recounts the account of "a glad and extremely debase young fellow" on the voyage, one of the mariners on board the Mayflower.