I studied Of Mice and Men in my first year of high, so I apologise about my answer being weak from now. However, I highly recommend you use BBC BITESIZE for help or SPARKNOTES which give in depth resources to aid in analysis and the commentaries Steinbeck makes.
Migrant workers were ambitious to attain their American Dream, the small farm house with the animals being George and Lennie’s, and Steinbeck portrays their American Dream as a literal “dream” of owning a house. The dream was to have a life of freedom, to earn land be prosperous and provide, but to get through it, the workers would think of physical things they could own to propel them and motivate them to work harder in their harsh and difficult work. Steinbeck shows this evidently and this is clear with him repeating George and Lennie’s dream to calm one another down.
My answer isn’t much help, but as I said, please use your search engine and type something along the lines of ‘Of Mice and Men Chapter 6 BBC Bitesize’ to find further help and a stronger development on my answer.
I’m not sure I quite understand your question. I’d love to help you if only you could just elaborate